Here’s what our clients say

I have never felt this full of energy and symptom free than ever before!

After battling with severe hormonal imbalance which was causing to name a few symptoms: awful migraines and cyclical uncontrollable vomiting. I then finally reached out to Lakshmi from Nutrition in Sync and have never looked back! Lakshmi was able to understand what I was going through and suggest a natural lifestyle change through daily habits, diet and supplements which transformed how I was feeling. I have never felt this full of energy and symptom free than ever before! This program is an excellent starting point for anyone who is willing to put the work in for themselves! I have recommended Lakshmi to over 5 of my friends. Keep it up Nutrition in Sync!

/ Sabah Khan /

"My doctor had almost prescribed me ozempic and told me that I had no other option

The 3 month plan with jeanne has helped me alot to understand my body, to gain knowledge about nutrition, and to see how to find the right balance. I am so glad i signed up for the one program with her moving from 6.7 hba1c which falls under diabetes to 5.4 which is normal just in about 2.5 months of working with her was the best feeling ever. My doctor had almost prescribed me ozempic and told me that i had no other option and she came in and instilled hope and some really good practices which i have continued to follow for which i am very grateful. I like how her tried different food options with me and keeping in my mind patterns, habits and reservations. I can’t thank jeanne enough. My weight journey from 89.8 kg to now being 81kg was very motivating and i know i will keep going. As a perfectionist i almost dint sign up for the program thinking i won’t be able to do it with a toddler in my life and i am glad i pushed myself out of my comfort zone and thought even if i can do 50 percent that will take me closer to my health and fitness goals. Once again thanks alot for all your plans, guidance, motivation and encouragement. Thanks for reminding me to go easy on myself. Wishing you all the very best.

/ Joslin Gracias /


I came here being severely underweight, having major food psychology issues, body image issues, and my hormones were completely out of sync.

I hadn't got a normal period in over eight months , my sex drive was almost as good as not there .I was also diagnosed with an ovarian cyst on my right side two years back which i got removed during the course of the one program . Today, i probably do not have words to express my gratitude to lakshmi for what she's helped me achieve and the place she's helped me get to. My entire life has turned a 180 degrees. Today, i have a great discipline with my food and diet. I have put on a healthy 10 kgs and no regrets. My face cleared out a month into the program. The glow on my face is back my food psychology and body image issues have been addressed to a very large degree. I don't hop on the weighing scale every third hour of the day anymore i do not calorie count . I eat a healthy balanced diet at fixed timings my period has come back to a 30 day cycle. The cramping has gone down substantially,who knew that could happen -struggled with that for almost 20 years the support lakshmi gave me post my laproscopy surgery was tremendous. Altering the diet accordingly and helping the recovery my sleep has improved - my workouts are better timed. More than anything i have learnt to respect what my body wants and i've started respecting my body cues and that has happened because i have started cycle syncing. That one /two zits a week before the period doesn't bother me anymore, i know that it's a cycle, i've becoming more forgiving towards myself and my body and accepting it for what it is i do not have the permanent headaches i once used to have my constipation issues have been addressed and most of all, i am ready to now to extend my family ! What these women are doing is nothing short of stuff of legends.. Absolutely game changing and in my case life altering.. I am going to be indebted to you for life. Keep up the fantastic work !

/ Divyangana Gupta /

I did the 3 months program and it was the best decision ever!

My main goal was to fix the hormonal imbalance (due to which I was getting bad acne on jawline and lower cheeks and back), to fix delayed periods and to regulate thyroid (it was slightly on the high side). At the end of the first month, I felt light and energetic, and the bloating had reduced vastly; I didn’t see any improvement in acne. At the end of the 2nd month, I had gotten 1 period naturally and acne improved in the sense that no new big pimples came, the existing ones started to calm down. But still I had acne marks and skin was dull. At the end of the 3rd month, again my period came naturally, and my skin started to look so much better as pimple scars started to heal (I also followed a proper acne skincare routine) and no new pimples surfaced. I also did my thyroid test and it came normal! During these 3 months I did yoga regularly (3x a week) as many people told me that along with diet, yoga helps in fixing hormonal imbalance. I highly recommend the 3 month program to anyone who wants to fix their issues naturally and for long term instead of just taking pills and getting expensive treatments done! The guidance that the team gives is very targeted to the individual and can be followed life-long!

/ Nikita Jain /

I wouldnt believe if anybody tell me that food is related to our mental health.

First of all, i have to thank Rashi and her team for creating such an amazing opportunity for people who want to follow a healthy lifestyle. Before experiencing this journey, I wouldnt believe if anybody tell me that food is related to our mental health. I was anxious and emotional before I start this program and everything little thing would affect me. But soon after I started following Lakshmi to the core, I started feeling much better and now at the end of the program, I can think clearly on what I am doing and what I want to do. My sleep is better, my digestion is better, my period is on time, there is no bloating during periods, I lost 12kgs and feel much lighter and healthier. This program helped me to be clear on what type of food could affect my body and can help my body. Thank you Lakshmi for being patient with me in answering all the questions I ask and guiding me through out.

/ Vinuthna Chillakuru /

I was having acne, gut issues, and hormonal issues. Since I wanted to address the root cause and heal, I signed up for Rashi Chowdhary’s ONE Program

First, a huge THANK YOU to Lakshmi from Rashi’s team. Without her, this healing journey would not have been possible. I was having acne, gut issues, and hormonal issues. Since I wanted to address the root cause and heal, I signed up for Rashi Choudhary’s ONE Program in October 2022. I had an incredible three months journey with Lakshmi. Lakshmi was outstanding in her craft. She understood my concerns and assured me I would be fine. One of the best parts of the program was that she did not have a cookie-cutter diet plan for me. My goal was customized per my lifestyle and food preferences and also included modifications if needed. However, the coaching was not limited to nutrition alone but was also rooted in lifestyle changes. From my end, I believed in the process and trusted everything Lakshmi told me to do. And the results are incredible. Thankfully I haven’t had acidity flares, bloating, or gassiness since the 4th week into the program. My acne also went away without those harsh medications. And my weight reduced effortlessly, which felt like cherry-on-the-top. My three months program is complete, and I plan to extend this program with new fitness goals. So, Lakshmi, here I come again. I highly recommend Lakshmi to anyone looking to heal their issues with a healthy lifestyle rather than unnecessary medication. Thank you again!

/ Jayanti /


I joined this program looking for a solution to my migraine...

I cannot thank you enough for all your help in making me regain my health and well being. I joined the programme because I was looking for a solution to my migraine. I could hardly go a day without a headache. As a result, every thing in my life from my work to my social interactions suffered. Since I've started the programme, my headaches have gone. It surprises me when I am out for an entire day and still come back home with no throbbing headache. It feels miraculous. But what is even more surprising is the many other positive changes that came along with it. I no longer have severely painful menstrual cramps like I used to. I feel active and the constant brain fog I experienced has been lifted. I feel focused. I don't get new acne breakouts. I can also sleep better. If all this wasn't enough, I have also lost 5kgs and I feel healthier. I am immensely grateful to you and the entire team.

/ Kiran Tujare /

I still remember when I was miserable, my gut would hurt a lot, had sleepless nights and low energy levels throughout the day..

Lakshmi is an incredible person, one of the most knowledgeable and practical people I've ever met. I still remember when I was miserable, my gut used to hurt a lot in the morning. I couldn't sleep properly, and my energy levels were low. I was very skinny, etc

During the first two weeks of one program, I didn't see any results. I was not sad or angry because I knew how bad my gut condition was. I had gut issues my entire life and It was only getting worse. (I'm 22 now). So I stayed put on the plan even though I hated it(sorry Lakshmi :/ ). I used to eat plain, simple easy-to-digest food which was boring while my friends and family could eat anything they want, Pizza, burger, rolls, Sharwama, and Pastry. Anything. Sad right?

But here's the catch, healing your gut condition or any other condition isn't all exciting, and motivating, it's boring, tedious, and requires you to detach from your feelings sometimes. You have to stay put even if you don't get to see any results. But once you start healing it's beautiful.

After one month my stomach cramps stopped completely, my energy level rose, my sleep got better, and I started to gain weight. Just to set the context I've been skinny all my life, at one time (Nov 2021) my weight was 42kg and my height is 5 feet 11 inches.

Today, my weight is 51 kg and increasing every month. My sleep and energy are also getting better.

Right now I'm not completely healed but I'm in on the path to it.

Thanks, Lakshmi for helping me make this progress.

/ Deepak /


Rashi and her team have been a God sent!!

Our son Karan had severe eczema which started when he turned 2 and a half years old. It started out very light and progressed very fast to a state where he was not even able to have a bath properly and had to leave school for a while as well as his skin was very bad with sores and it itched him constantly. When he turned around 4 and a half year old we switched him onto a full vegan and gluten free diet. This helped him a lot and he was able to go back to school and resume life to a semi normal level. He still suffered a lot during the nights (not having a full nights un-interrupted sleep) and his food was very very limited. This affected his growth levels and also socially was very difficult due to all his food restrictions (which made him conscious). It was at this time that we found out about Rashi and her team. We contacted her when Karan was around 7 years old and we thank our stars that she agreed to see him. Due to his young age she took her time to speak with us and understand the whole situation before telling us that she could and would help him; and boy did she do exactly that! He was always a bright child and was very aware of what was happening in his life. Through it all he always had a very positive attitude but after Rashi came in his life he has blossomed into a very very active child who has maintained his positive attitude, actually has an ever bigger zest for life now. Rashi introduced him back to a lot of his favorite foods which he had left a few years back. She added back fish and chicken, potatoes and rice and so many more things which he had done without for more than 3 years! His life changed in many ways. He could now go out to his friends house or to restaurants without taking his food packed from home. This had put a toll on him which we didn't realize before and which maybe even he had gotten used to, but now that he had options his confidence grew. He could never play sports before because as soon as he started sweating he would itch uncontrollably but after he started on Rashi's plan he started playing sports. He even joined a football team and trains and plays 2 to 3 times a week, sweating and all without itching. I know I have spoken a lot about other aspects of his life but now I will speak about his health. His height and weight are now on par with what it should be; his skin has cleared completely (the eczema now only flares when he accidently eats something he is allergic to and even then not as badly as before); he sleeps throughout the night helping in so many ways (as we all know now a good nights sleep is very essential); his immunity levels have increase dramatically and he doesn't fall sick as often as he would before.

I attribute his better life for a large part to his diet which Rashi is responsible for. She knows what foods he is allergic to and had helped us grow his food variety mixing it up in ways that he wont get bored and at the same time get all the nutrients he needed. Rashi and her team helped educate us in the right foods and how food can heal so many conditions. When we think diet our first thought goes to losing weight but with Rashi and her team its not only about that. Its more about living a balanced and healthy but sustainable diet to improve your overall health or as in our Karan's case completely changing your life by treating a medical condition with food.

Rashi and her team go over and beyond what is required of them, always checking in to make sure everything is fine. Recently Karan had a fracture (broke a bone in his leg). Rashi heard about it and immediately reached out with advice on what foods to eat and what care to take to help the bone heal faster. This is the kind of person she is. She builds a relationship with everyone that comes into her life and is always so positive and leaves you feeling better.

Thank you Rashi!


/ Karan Mirwani /

Hi I was feeling sluggish and lethargic since 2 months.

A friend suggested a preventative health checkup and came to know of fatty liver with fasting sugar 300 and Hba1c -11 it was abnormal all parameters were wayward my daughter enrolled me at Rashi program and to my surprise in just 2 weeks with their team my levels hv come down 112 fasting which is a huge achievement for me without any prescribed medicines I am very thankful to Rashi and team

/ Vandana Sahgal /

I can’t thank you enough Jeanne.

I had actually lost hope and was going to start on Insulin but if this trend continues I will be off meds soon. Thanks again to you and Rashi for this program. The detail to which Jeanne and even Rashi micro manages everything is very commendable. Not only regular calls are made but even something as small as what masala I sprinkle on my salad is taken care of. Everyone says Diabetes is a non-reversible and a life long disease but this one week has proved all wrong. Still early days and I know I will have to mindfully eat throughout but really happy and again a special thanx to Jeanne and Rashi.

/ Anonymous /

First of all I thank you and the Team very much.

My Sugar levels were almost touching 300 everyday and now I see them drop to 150-160, I mainly got to know the importance of Nutrition in Food and how important it is to maintain my Sugars. Also, I have reduced around 2kgs in this 8 days. Also, I have seen my Gut health improving from day 2 of the Program.

I appreciate all the efforts that you have been taking to keep a check on me in each and every aspect. I would like to continue with this Program forever. :)

/ Anonymous /

I definitely do see a drop in blood sugar levels and inches post joining the program.

I was able to shed 2.5kgs as well, with some inch loss on chest from 38 to 37 , hips from 41.5 to 40 and I definitely do see some reductions in my legs and hands as well although I don't know the exact numbers.

Gut health has improved for sure I know exactly when I am full and should stop eating and can makeout when I am actually hungry and when I just crave without being hungry, I did noticed some bloating when I introduced pulses of any kind so will be mindful of that. It's easier to stick to a program when you know the reason behind why certain food groups are to be included or excluded , therefore earlier whenever same one gave me same advice I could never be consistent as I did not know they were to be included in the diet.

And with respect to periods I am very happy as I usually am anywhere around 3 weeks to 4 weeks late with extreme pains on all days, but this time I was just a week late and the pain was also there just on one day and rest days were not emotionally turmoiled as well which used to be the case earlier. So overall I am quite satisfied 😊And thanks to your for all the guidance .

/ Priyanka Priyadarshinee /

Thank you for an amazing experience and the help you have extended us.

I’d like to share with you something incredible that happened today. I went to my family doctor for check up and we were meeting exactly after a month. He congratulated me for losing weight. He said It looked as if I had inch loss. He was adamant and we checked and yes I have lost some inches. I was so happy and I have lost 1 kg as well. I’m grateful to you for your help. 🤗🤗

/ Rashi M /


The experience was beyond my expectation, it was indeed fabulous.

The program structure and the follow ups keeps you intrigued. As the program commenced it broke the stereo types of all the previous wellness programs I had attended. Hahaha, I dont wanna jinx it Jeanne. Fingers crossed, the most noticeable change was that I noticed a different side of me who was more composed, consistent and acceptable towards what I was going through. I could keep up to my day by being more active and less cranky (mood swings), the walking ritual has got me my mojo back. Honestly, I was on the verge of giving up. Seeing a change in my vitals and weight has kept me motivated as I did not had to starve or give up on my favorite foods. Moderation and balance is the key. I never thought I could go low on my meds within a month that is the change I struggled and wished for.
A big Yes to recommending this program to one and all who are going through it. You already are a warrior of your own life. I have been reading on this since donkey years. Fell prey to so many trends that claimed to show significance changes. I had almost given up, this program came as a blessing in disguise for me. This program gives you direction, guidance, support, solutions, zest & boost you with courage to move on your own, as when you follow the program to the T, it works Magic! You start believing everything is reversible only if one stays focussed & accountable. Also, my dermat was very happy. She said the difference is visible. She is weaning me off aldactone to 25 mg.
Lots of love , blessings from the bottom of my heart to the team. I am grateful to Rashi & the team specially Jeanne , you are my angel 🤍. You knew when I was getting distracted and unfocussed. Your vibe is resilient. Your sincerity and charisma is unmatchable. I learnt a lot from you and hope to continue following it. Thank you so much ☺️😇

/ Neha S /


I am so glad I signed up for the One program.

I felt so taken care of - Lakshmi would always remember something from the previous call and check in the following week until I felt better. She's so patient and understanding. All her suggestions on dealing with my anxiety has been so so helpful. Now every time I get anxious, Lakshmi's voice randomly pops up in my brain saying 'you don't really have anxiety. The more you associate it with you, the more you feel like you have it' that was the biggest game changer. I started focusing more on the all the good in life and all the goodness the world has to offer kept rolling in. I think more than the food / diet, it's the mind. When you're truly happy / content, your body just heals so much faster. It's like magic. I learnt how to befriend my mind. So, thank you for everything! ♥️ sending you lots of healing and love.

/ Anusha /


Rashi’s nutrition program has changed my life for the good.

I cannot recommend this program enough. It has brought so many positive changes in my body. The most important thing I learned from this program is how good food can heal the body. Before joining the program, I suffered from acne, irregular bowel movements, and flatulence issues. And after joining this program I immediately saw a significant change in my body. I had joined multiple nutrition classes before hand but none changed my life for good the way Rashi’s program did. Thank you Lakshmi ( my nutrition coach) for all your guidance and help.

/ Gauri /



I must tell you.. I think this is probably one of the best thing I have done to my myself.. enrolling this program with you :)

This consultation/program with you was a gift from my sister sanjana.. on my birthday and the best gift ever 😃

I been following Rashi since 5 years and I keep telling her since then.. so she thought she could gift me this which I will remember forever with all the good changes that I will see in me.

I am happy now emotionally..i have control over my feelings (still getting there).

I still remember our first call.. i was really sensitive to answer few questions when you asked about emotional state. And I remember you gave me so much confidence to follow diet and see changes in me. I am surprised what good food can do to you and how this all is linked. I am not feeling sad or depressed for small things I am having clear thoughts now.

You are a magician Lakshmi 💜

So much love you 🤗❤️

/ Likitha /


Lakshmi, it’s been such a DREAAAM working with you!

The emotional eating, mindless snacking & constant bloating was pretty much at its peak before I started this journey with you - so it’s incredible to see where I‘ve reached today.

I now can’t go a day without my fat first.. and I honestly can’t remember the last time I felt uncomfortable/ bloated after a meal!

Painless periods, glowing skin, sooo much energy - ahhh, I can go on and on about how much the ONE program has done for me.

Thank youuu again for shifting my perspective about food and making better choices for myself! ♥️

/ Tanya Wadhwa /


After receiving my blood test results with my cholesterol at peak, I got in touch with Rashi’s team to work on my diet.

With the guided program by Lakshmi, I have been able to understand my body more. I am able to understand what suits my body and what not and have become more aware of what I eat from a day to day basis.

The process was simple - just follow what’s suggested in your diet chart.

The key thing here is to make sure you follow it based on the timeline you have with your nutritionist. I was strict with the diet chart, even though it was a struggle for the first two weeks - but with time your body is moulded to such a way that you know what benefits your body and the most important part is it becomes your lifestyle from then on.

Thank you

/ Ratchanon /


I had gut issues (constipation) along with bloating and my cycles were very heavy.

Since I started the program both the issues have been reversed. My energy levels have improved, less anxious and I have lost 4 kgs, but the most important thing is I have come down 2 dress sizes.

A huge shout to Lakshmi for being patient with me. She has been very supportive and was always there when I had doubts.

/ Anon /


I would like to share my first interaction with Rashi back in July 2017,

I had a huge burning sensation in my stomach with bloating after a very serious operation, I was not even able to stand for 10 minutes.

Rashi rightly diagnosed the reason to lose weight and it was primarily related to my food intake which she advised and recommended to adapt. Soon I got a huge relief and I also managed to lose the extra weight!

Now it's been 4 years, and I feel blessed to have consulted Rashi and I thank her for her marvelous support and treatment.

Thanks to you I am also able to go to the gym regularly.

/ Mahendra /


Over the last 2 years, I had gained 12 kilos of weight, developed chronic IBS with constipation, got high on cholesterol, dealt with very high levels of inflammation.

I saw a sudden jump in high blood pressure & finally developed anxiety which then lead to Insomnia during the lockdown.

A day came when I decided to take things in control to make a change & as luck had it, I met this Magician in the desert land!

Without taking a single pill in 6 months with Rashi, I have zero anxiety, my sleep is back to normal, I have lost 10 kilos with inch loss & reduced body fat, IBS is in control & my constipation is a lot better, cholesterol is in a normal range and my blood pressure is a lot lower - nearing normal. I am at my fittest & happiest self!

The process was simple, this girl has a lot of brains, so put yours to rest & trust her process following what she says blindly with discipline.

Rashi’s not just a nutritionist, she’s a life coach - the experience has been life-changing & I have never felt this healthier! She has an amazing team in Lakshmi & Fran who are always there to support you.

Thank you Rashi, you're awesome!

/ Anonymous /


I was undergoing a lot of pain due to endometriosis and was emotionally fragile.

After joining the program my first few sessions with Rashi helped me understand my mental pain points which I never knew were there inside me. They used to trigger me and at the time of my endo pain, I was extremely hyper. Rashi you made me realize to understand these pain points and what is the reason behind them. I started handling my thoughts better. Post which I have noticed a positive change inside my body. The food definitely helped me balance the hormones and over the period of time, I started feeling lighter. I am thankful to Lakshmi for keeping track of my diet and helping me out to notice if I was going wrong in my diet.

/ Minakshi /


In the beginning, I was a bit skeptical about starting a program with Rashi

Even though she had worked with some of my family members, as we are all different and I considered myself a disciplined individual. However, in the past two years, I gained some unnecessary 10 kilos. Now that I think about it, it seems it was mainly due to stress and imbalanced relationships.

Eventually, after a lot of thought, I signed up for a three-month consultation program. My initial goal was to loose that weight. Rashi, was very sure that in three-months the maximum weight loss would be 7-9 kilos. I started and felt great in terms of my energy and well being however there was not much weight loss in the first month. She advised me to stop chasing the weight and the book "A course in miracles". Even though I have yet to finish reading it, I think it helped me to change a little perspective with the relations I was struggling with.

I finally stopped chasing the weight and just the way she said I lost 7 kilos in 3 months and tremendously reduced on my fat percentage. But I gained more in terms of my knowledge in understanding my metabolism. The best part of the program is that she empowers you to be able to practice what is good for you and suggests not to have unrealistic goals. All you need is patience, trust and discipline. She has a great team including Fran and Lakshmi. I would highly recommend Rashi's program. She knows what she is doing :)

/ Anonymous /


I came to Rashi about 6 months back when I was majorly struggling with anxiety and panic attacks.

It had gotten worst to a point where I was rushing to the emergency departments of hospitals as soon as I felt the onset of the panic attack. I had convinced myself that I was having a heart attack and I was dying . I consulted so many doctors and as all my blood work and other test results were normal most of them just said it's just in your head and you need to mentally stronger. None of this helped as the panic attacks didn't stop. The turning point was when I had a panic attack episode at work and had to call an ambulance as I was convinced I was dying. That was the day when I took charge and decided to consult Rashi. Honestly, Rashi isn't just a dietician who gives you a daily meal plan. She is a therapist, honestly she made such a difference to my life. We worked on both physical and mental issues. Ate the same food for 2 weeks, which was hard at the start but when my anxiety started to disappear I didn't question her a bit. The morning rituals which I will always try to follow made such a massive difference. For me it was more about managing my anxiety rather than weight loss. Of course I did lose weight as part of the plan. I lived in fear each day especially when I stepped out of the house, what if I get a panic attack when I have no help around. Not having to live with that feeling is my biggest victory which I don't think I could have overcome without Rashi's help.

/ Toshita /



My experience with the program has been excellent.

My sessions with Lakshmi really helped change how I think about food. I no longer go for restrictive diets. Instead I try to make my meals more balanced, and make smart choices even when eating out. The program definitely made me realize I don’t need to starve myself to become fitter, healthier and lose weight. Instead, I need to fuel my body the right way. I especially appreciated the fact that the program is focused on improving one’s overall well-being and not just on weight loss.

/ Ankita /



I started the 6 month program with Rashi in order to deal with auto immunity and PCOS without being on prescription medicine.

I also have dietary restrictions(vegetarian), so having her guide me through how some foods affect my gut and how to pay attention to how some foods make you feel has been invaluable. Throughout the process, she set actionable goals (all health related) for us to track and achieve. We ended up meeting the goals in the first three months and continued to keep them up ever since. I use the word “we” here because Rashi, Lakshmi and I functioned like a team, encouraging and learning from each other. The program not only helped me with my goals, but also taught me how to make this lifestyle sustainable by educating me on food psychology.

This experience has been life changing and I’ve never felt healthier - both physically and mentally. If you’re on the fence about this program, consider this the nudge you need!


/ Shravya /


A Life Changing Decision

A simple session to understand the inner workings of the body for me has become a life changing decision and led me to change the way I live. It’s a complete lifestyle transformation which has made me a lot more healthier with all markers on point and weight/inch loss being an added advantage.

Not for a single day have I had to starve myself or go on a crash diet and with simple easy to do suggestions over the months I’ve somehow magically been more fit physically, emotionally and mentally.

Thank you Rashi for all the positivity, motivation and the occasional pep talks. It’s amazing how I’ve found a good friend and confidant in you that too in such little time.

/ Nikita /


A Belated Thank you Note

Yesterday was World Mental Health Day. This year has been rough on a lot of people, in different ways, and I don't know if that is why I, like many others, noted the day more than I ever have in years past. A few months ago, during the lockdown, life had started to get me down. Even though I am a homebody, I was over being stuck at home, feeling guilty for not being more grateful that my life was largely untouched by everything going on in the world, feeling bad about managing to gain even more weight at home, and a number of other things I was beating myself up about internally. Yesterday, as I thought back to that time, I felt like it was part of what led me to get in touch with Rashi.
For my birthday in June I decided to treat myself to a 3 month programme with @rashichowdhary, who I had been following on Instagram for a while at my sister @anjali.a.nair 's recommendation. In all honesty, I signed and paid up and immediately had buyer's remorse. I had my first consultation with Rashi and again thought, this is too easy - surely this isn't going to work? Rashi cautioned - be realistic, don't expect miracles. Of course, she needn't have, because I was already preparing for nothing much to happen. I followed her plan - most of the rules to which she already so generously shares on her Instagram - had my fat first, avoided gluten and dairy, but ate rice, fruits, potatoes, coconut, cashews, and had 5 meals a day. I didn't manage any exercise at all in the first two weeks, as I guiltily confessed at the 2-week mark, but amazingly had still managed to lose 4 kilos. In all I lost 10 kilos in the 3 months, without managing much exercise at all, and never feeling restricted at any point. It is now over a month since the programme has ended, and I have no doubt that this is something I can stick with indefinitely, and have also lost a further 2 kilos since. :)
So this is a belated thank you to you dear @rashichowdhary - for saving my sanity and health this year, and for couching your advice in so much positivity that it rubs off on your most skeptical clients. Godspeed and much success to you.

/ Nidhi Nair /

Rashi has transformed my body and lifestyle!

I have had massive gut issues for years and years and have pretty much been in a permanent state of feeling bloated, I had tried basically every ayurvedic/homeopathic/allelopathic remedy and nothing ever really stuck. It all used to stop working after the first few weeks. Finally I have found a permanent and sustainable solution, thanks to Rasi and I have never felt better, or looked better. Weight loss was never my goal but it became a bi-product of all the changes in my body, and I am also the leanest now I have ever been.

/ Astha Ranjan /


You know when you have tried everything and nothing works whether its weight loss or that damn reflux which just doesn’t go away!

You know you can help your kids or your family get better but when it comes to yourself;

You’re just getting worse by the day and you don’t know what to do anymore to get yourself back!

There’s hope, don’t worry because there’s Rashi Chowdhary!

She is the most positive person I have ever met who will leave the biggest impact in your life because she guides you not only for nutrition but your overall well-being.

This year 2020 is all about change and she is the best change you can incorporate to your life.

/ Anonymous /

I have been thinking for a while about sending a note to you to express my gratitude for what you taught me all these days and finally I am happy that I am writing this.

I started seeing all the good you have done to my body now... I was not very conscious about what goes into my gut until I met you...Being very busy(we think we are), I never realized the importance of the health until my food habits took a toll on skin and hair were amazing while I was young no matter what I eat and that’s all I cared about at that time but, slowly my skin started looking dry, dull and started biggest problem was receding hairline at the front..I have been to all the expensive doctors, cosmetologists and nutritionists in US..I have tried everything that was prescribed to me but no use, instead I have put on weight and started breaking out on my back..I made it worse instead of making it better...lost my focus, interest and was depressed and the only thing I was doing during that period was just browsing all the time about how to make skin and hair better...that’s when I found you in insta....I have read all your posts and liked the way you talk about the food and eating habits and how generously you are sharing your knowledge to everyone for free and so I enrolled and here I am now after doing 1 year program with you how happy I am with my weight, skin and hair...I have never realized before that food can make a person amazing or sick both mentally and physically based on how we treat my hormones are set right, back acne is cured, lost 25 pounds in 4 months and the most happiest of all is my receded hairline is back... I am still not able to believe the changes I see right now...You can never imagine how much good you have done to me and how grateful I am...You are a magic in my life. You have given me good health, skin and hair and with that confidence and strength...I love you Rashi ...I wish you a healthy and happy life and keep changing and motivating many people with what you do

/ Kandula Tulasi /

A big thank you , for your guidance since the last 6 months,it has been an amazing journey.

I was struggling with my Thyroid issues and increase in weight since almost the last 5 years.

Within a very less span of time I found a huge difference in my Thyroid.

My Thyroid pill has reduced from 2 to 1 , since the last 3 months and am sure I will get rid of it soon following your advice.

"Food is a medicine it heals" - Food magic , I learnt from you.

Total perspective about food and diet has changed for me.

I feel more confident while choosing my clothes now, and enjoy eating without starving and feeling guilty.

I have been following and I will continue following your magazine articles , YouTube videos and Instagram posts ,you are doing a wonderful job.

Protein Bakeshop is my all time favourite , I'm in love with Coconut truffles and Cashew nut truffles.

Good luck to you and keep shining .

/ Kousar Khatoon /

Rashi, You are indeed a blessing!

Words are not enough to express my gratitude for all you and your team did and continue to do for me. You are an amazing, compassionate & brilliant human being. I admire you for your commitment to all of those people who you touch every day.

I had been following Rashi for a while on Instagram. I resonated with what she said, and I believed that out of all the people out there, she would understand what I was going through. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was only 19 years old and had been suffering from severe acne. I had tried everything ranging from Ayurvedic treatments to popping pills into my system. But, nothing worked. My confidence and self-esteem both were at an all-time low when I finally decided to make an appointment with her. She took the time to listen and to make me feel valued and understand what I was going through and how it made me feel. And three months later, I can see a vast difference not just in my skin, but in my self-esteem too. The meal plans were curated in a way which suited my gut, helped me heal the acne and were easy to cook and play around with. Rashi and her team provided me with a lot of support and care throughout. I have been able to understand my skin, my body, and why I feel what I feel, and Rashi has played a significant role in this realization.

Till date, I follow all her advice without fail, be it about my diet or her life principles- water memory, morning rituals, walking around in nature. All of it has not just improved my skin condition but made me a more emotionally sound human being.

A big shout out to you for guiding me in making healthier food choices and switches and teaching me how important it is to read nutrition labels. It's a matter of seconds now to check the ingredients list as soon as I pick anything packaged. Thank you for showing me the power of food and making me believe in it. Your advice regarding nutrition will always be top-rated in my advice list. I am going to keep following you and coming back to you whenever needed.

I know my life is only going to get better now, and I am ever grateful to Rashi and her team for this.

You guys are amazing! Keep making people fall in love with you, Rashi :)

God Bless!!

/ Dashleen /

I was planning for my pregnancy and my gynaecologist told me I had to lose weight.

But I did not want to do some crash diet and lose weight in an unhealthy way and plus I wanted it to be a lifestyle. It was more important for me to lose weight but without losing out on the important nutrients which is required for the body before conception.

Going to Rashi was the best thing ever. I got to know about Rashi through her Instagram page and her tips and advises she gives are so genuine and not like other dieticians who promote a particular brand just coz they get paid for it.
Rashi’s diet is all about eating real wholesome home cooked food, which is tasty and so healthy, she gives you so many different options and keeps changing the plan every 2 weeks, so you never get bored of eating the same thing and you will never be hungry.

After following her diet within 3 months, I am pregnant and when the gynaecologist checked me, all my blood reports where so good. It is not just important to lose weight or to eat healthy during and after pregnancy, what you eat before conception is the most important part, because if your healthy , then the baby will be healthy too and plus you can do everything as normal during your pregnancy as you have so much energy unlike before.

Thank you Rashi, you made this process so much easier.

/ Sabeena Khader /

I met Rashi when I was at the lowest, unhappiest and most depressing stage in my life.

Amongst other emotional issues my weight and body image were real downers. I reached out to her for emotional stability and during our conversation I made her a promise that I’d follow her nutrition plan and win this long sought of battle I have fought with PCOS and weight gain. I kept in touch with Rashi every single day and she reminded me to remain focused and convert all the negativity weighing me down into energy that would push me upward and onward through nutrition. It’s been a year since and apart from dropping 4 dress sizes and 20 kgs – I can’t thank her enough for all the positivity and confidence this lifestyle change has brought about.

/ Sonam Jham /

Rashi!! She is a gift to all those around her.

I got to know about her through an article in the newspaper. I wanted to drop few kgs and I had my gall bladder removed, also had problem of acid reflux.
Having tried many of the so called “diets”, nothing worked. I was going on and off diets frequently. I wanted to be fit and in shape year long. So finally consulted Rashi.

I loved and enjoyed each meal in my diet that she gave. So simple and tasty meals. It has become my lifestyle now. In span of 40 days have lost around 7kgs. No problem of acid reflux, feel energetic and am active whole day. No menstrual cramps!! No acne!! Skin has improved dramatically in a month.

Can’t thank you enough, Rashi:)
You always inspire everyone!!
Lots of love!

/ Krutika Akki /

I am very pleased with my consultations with Rashi.

I am a woman with issues of Hypo-Thyroid and high testosterone levels for the past 15 years. My metabolism has been ever so low and has hampered every effort towards my dream of weight loss.

I have been fighting weight loss for several years only to be demotivated with no results and returned to old routine and eating habits. Many doctors and nutritionist I had visited in earlier days attributed my failure to thyroid and made it clear to me that a patient with Thyroid cannot lose weight as much as a normal person does. I had almost written off my dream of coming back to normal weight until I heard from a friend about Ms Rashi Chowdhary.

What amazes me the most about her practice is that she has helped me to lose a large amount of weight by advising me a diet that is very familiar to my eating habits and a simple exercise routine. I am no fan of salads or any raw form of food. Being a vegetarian meant that most internet diets directing me to eat leafy salads which I hated the most.

Rashi was able to customize my meal plan to food I like and I am familiar with. Her regular reviews have helped me to stick to the plan and make any corrections if need be.

My weight loss wouldn’t have been possible without Rashi. Now I feel healthy and energetic. I am happy that Rashi has enabled me to break the myth that Hypo-Thyroid patients are destined to be fat.

My heartfelt thanks to you Rashi.

/ Hema Ramesh /

I came to Rashi after a friend recommended her just one week after my delivery.

I wanted to lose the kgs I’ve gained but I also wanted to protect my milk supply. Not only did I lose my pregnancy weight 3 months (I even started losing more vs my original weight) but my milk supply haven’t been affected at all. (It’s actually abundant vs my previous pregnancy) What I love the most about her is the fact that she actually changes your lifestyle & adds value to your “nutritional knowledge”. I am never coming back to my “old food habits” thanks to her as I am more knowledgeable about other yummy & healthy alternatives. She is also fun to talk to, she listens to your concerns and amends your diet accordingly. I love her and I will recommend her in a heartbeat to anyone in need.

/ Judy karim /

You are a magician in disguise, you’re not only my nutritionist for the body but also for the mind and soul, you have created a miraculous change in my relationship with food , my body and mind which has made lifestyle changes very easy.

You have made lifestyle change so easy because of the convenience and ease of your diet plans which have vast varieties and options and you have given me everything that I craved to eat but your teachings of eating in moderation at the same time not restricting me from anything I wanted to eat has made me following your nutritional plans very exciting and which was never a burden to follow, you have made eating healthy and mindfully an addiction now. This weight loss journey was stress free because you walked me through the path by motivating me and supporting me by setting no confined time goal which gave me immense confidence to not look back or stress about weight loss and punish my body with intense exercises, all you suggested me was to just walk briskly for 30-40 minutes 4-5 days a week, move forward with hope for every little progress I made, which made me achieve my weight goals faster than I thought. I had issues with my gut health and skin regarding acne, you made me fall in love with Eating right and nutritional food and eradicated the fear of food out of my mind and which automatically has brought about miraculous improvements and unbelievable changes in my gut, digestive health and skin issues .

Your videos touch topics regarding all aspects of life and not just about diet or nutrition which is an eye opener that changed my perspective of life, body, health, mind and food. You also have created a great awareness in me by teaching me importance of reading nutrition labels and ingredients which has made me very watchful of products shopping and indulgences. You also made me understand and appreciate the importance of simple Home food which is often underestimated. Home food has helped me best in weight loss. Your diet plans are extremely exciting to follow, because you always give me all food groups in rotation so I never felt restricted from anything, you give the most realistic plans to follow I never had to go through any kind of starvation mode or eating only kind of food groups to lose weight. Your plans are made to enjoy every meal that I ate, the transformation in my body and my lifestyle would not have been possible without you, and you are truly the best guide and nutritionist. I am extremely thankful and grateful for having you in my life Rashi, it’s because of you dieting was never a burden and because of you losing weight and being fit will never be a burden. If I am the best and the fittest and healthiest and most confident version of me today is only because of you and your support. I owe every bit of my transformation success to you Rashi. I cannot put into words to tell you how much you mean to me and how thankful I am to you.

/ Mayuri /

I had been following her on Instagram for quite sometime when I decided to get an appointment with her.

It was a very low point in my life since I was hospitalised, out of surgery and gained so much weight in the previous year.

This woman, is a miracle worker I tell you. She is compassionate, empathetic and understands what exactly the problem is, be it anxiety, an eating disorder or a metabolic issue. However do not mistake her sweet nature for making excuses. She‘ll whoop your ass if there isn’t proper adherence to the diet Food pictures were to be taken for accountability (loved this approach).

I started at Size 14 (Uk) and now at size 8 in 6 months. Fat loss was my goal. I gained confidence, knowledge about nutrition, what suits my body, how my body works and that our bodies keep changing constantly. For that I’m forever grateful to her.

/ Mathanki Krishnamoorthy /